Our AlumnI
Ever since the first few Bubs graduated, alumni have been a huge part in the lives of the current group. Whether they are helping write arrangements, coming to home shows, or giving us a place to stay when we travel, our alumni go out of their way to support the current group.
The alumni of this group are what make it truly special - they shaped the Bubs into what it is today. With over 300 members, the Beelzebub Alumni Association is extremely active in helping the current group and ensuring that Bubs from every generation are connected.
What our alumni mean to us
Our alumni mean constant support, excitement, and fun. Whether they are coming to a show, grabbing quick meals with us, or sitting in on a rehearsal, the alumni of this group constantly elevate our overall experience. Our alumni remind us that being in the Bubs does not end after college; that to be a Bub is forever, and that your love for the group exists well after college.
Alumni Events
Luckily, we have plenty of opportunities to see our alumni. Each event we have brings out different alumni, and for that we are extremely grateful. We see alumni at shows, our annual football event, yearly dinners, and our most coveted events: reunions. Reunions are the creme de la creme of alumni events. Every 5 years, alumni fly out to meet with the current group. There, we sing, catchup, and learn about other people's experience. The group celebrated its 60th year reunion in the spring of 2023.
Alumni and History
As you can imagine, after over 60 years, the group has a lot of history. In the Bubs, we celebrate all of that. 60 years has churned out hundreds of songs and stories. All of this information is extremely dear to the group. So dear in fact, it is tradition that every Bubs knows their fair share of alumni names and years of graduation, as well as "the facts" of many of our recorded albums. Facts like these, augmented with amazing stories from different decades, make up the history that every Bub knows and loves.
Are you interested in supporting the Bubs Alumni Association (BAA)?